Citizen Science for Stewardship of Coastal and Ocean Resources
Volunteers have submitted 53999 surveys to date.

Thank you for your interest in MPA Watch! Our program is not possible without the commitment of our dedicated volunteers. MPA Watch programs across the state of California are continually training a network of volunteers to monitor resource use inside and outside Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Volunteers are trained to identify onshore and offshore ocean activities and collect data on coastal and marine resource use.

Ready to sign up?

Click below to find the organization in your community to get involved in their MPA program.
The following organizations are currently operating MPA Watch programs:

Heal the Bay - Los Angeles County
Jenna Segal,

Los Angeles Waterkeeper - Los Angeles County
Michael Quill,

Orange County Coastkeeper - Orange County
Ray Hiemstra,

West Marin Environmental Action Committee - Marin County
Morgan Patton,

California Academy of Sciences

Rebecca Johnson,

Santa Barbara Channelkeeper - Santa Barbara County
Penny Owens,

WILDCOAST - San Diego County
Angela Kemsley,

Greater Farallones Association - San Francisco County
Kirsten Lindquist,

Outdoor Schools


Kat Montgomery,

Geo PDF Maps

For use with the Avenza Maps app.  After downloading the app, volunteers can load maps onto their smart phones by scanning a QR code, or through PDFs downloaded and added to the app through iTunes File Sharing, Android File System, Dropbox.  Links to QR codes and PDFs are just below.  NOTE: Each PDF shows high resolution aerial imagery and averages about 50mb in size.

Abalone Cove SMCA Abalone Cove SMCA 

Ano Nuevo SMR Greyhound Rock SMCA Ano Nuevo SMR Greyhound Rock SMCA Ano Nuevo SMR Greyhound Rock SMCA

Asilomar SMR Asilomar SMR Asilomar SMR

Batiquitos Lagoon SMCA (No Take) Batiquitos Lagoon SMCA (No Take) Batiquitos Lagoon SMCA (No Take)

Big Creek SMCA and SMR Big Creek SMCA and SMR Big Creek SMCA and SMR

Big Flat SMCA Big Flat SMCA Big Flat SMCA

Big River Estuary SMCA Big River Estuary SMCA Big River Estuary SMCA

Bodega Head SMR SMCA Bodega Head SMR SMCA Bodega Head SMR SMCA

Bolsa Bay SMCA Bolsa Bay SMCA Bolsa Bay SMCA

Bolsa Chica Basin SMCA No Take Bolsa Chica Basin SMCA No Take Bolsa Chica Basin SMCA No Take

Cabrillo SMR Cabrillo SMR Cabrillo SMR

Cambria SMCA Cambria SMCA Cambria SMCA

Campus Point SMCA No Take Campus Point SMCA No Take Campus Point SMCA No Take

Carmel Bay SMCA Carmel Bay SMCA Carmel Bay SMCA

Carmel Pinnacles SMR Carmel Pinnacles SMR Carmel Pinnacles SMR

Castle Rock Special Closure Castle Rock Special Closure Castle Rock Special Closure

Crystal Cove SMCA Crystal Cove SMCA Crystal Cove SMCA

Dana Point SMCA Dana Point SMCA Dana Point SMCA

Del Mar Landing SMR Del Mar Landing SMR Del Mar Landing SMR

Double Cone Rock SMCA Double Cone Rock SMCA Double Cone Rock SMCA

Double Point Stormy Stack Rock Special Closure Double Point Stormy Stack Rock Special Closure Double Point Stormy Stack Rock Special Closure

Drakes Estero SMCA Drakes Estero SMCA Drakes Estero SMCA

Duxbury Reef SMCA Duxbury Reef SMCA Duxbury Reef SMCA

Edward F Ricketts SMCA Edward F Ricketts SMCA Edward F Ricketts SMCA

Egg Devils Slide Rock to Devils Slide Special Closure Egg Devils Slide Rock to Devils Slide Special Closure Egg Devils Slide Rock to Devils Slide Special Closure

Elkhorn Slough SMCA Elkhorn Slough SMCA Elkhorn Slough SMCA

Elkhorn Slough SMR Elkhorn Slough SMR Elkhorn Slough SMR

Estero Americano SMRMA Estero Americano SMRMA Estero Americano SMRMA

Estero de Limantour SMR Estero de Limantour SMR Estero de Limantour SMR

Estero de San Antonio SMRMA Estero de San Antonio SMRMA Estero de San Antonio SMRMA

False Klamath Rock Special Closure False Klamath Rock Special Closure False Klamath Rock Special Closure

Famosa Slough SMCA (No Take) Famosa Slough SMCA (No Take) Famosa Slough SMCA (No Take)

Gerstle Cove SMR Gerstle Cove SMR Gerstle Cove SMR

Goleta Slough SMCA (No Take) Goleta Slough SMCA (No Take) Goleta Slough SMCA (No Take)

Kashtayit SMCA Kashtayit SMCA Kashtayit SMCA

Laguna Beach SMCA No Take Laguna Beach SMCA No Take Laguna Beach SMCA No Take

Laguna Beach SMR Laguna Beach SMR Laguna Beach SMR

Lovers Point Julia Platt SMR Lovers Point Julia Platt SMR Lovers Point Julia Platt SMR

MacKerricher SMCA MacKerricher SMCA MacKerricher SMCA

Mattole Canyon SMR and Sea Lion Gulch SMR Mattole Canyon SMR and Sea Lion Gulch SMR Mattole Canyon SMR and Sea Lion Gulch SMR

Moro Cojo Slough SMR Moro Cojo Slough SMR Moro Cojo Slough SMR

Morro Bay SMR Morro Bay SMR Morro Bay SMR

Morro Bay SMRMA Morro Bay SMRMA Morro Bay SMRMA

Naples SMCA Naples SMCA Naples SMCA

Natural Bridges SMR Natural Bridges SMR Natural Bridges SMR

Navarro River Estuary SMCA Navarro River Estuary SMCA Navarro River Estuary SMCA

North Farallon Islands North Farallon Islands North Farallon Islands

Pacific Grove Marine Gardens SMCA Pacific Grove Marine Gardens SMCA Pacific Grove Marine Gardens SMCA

Piedras Blancas SMCA and SMR Piedras Blancas SMCA and SMR Piedras Blancas SMCA and SMR

Point Arena SMCA and SMR Point Arena SMCA and SMR Point Arena SMCA and SMR

Point Arena SMR Point Arena SMR Point Arena SMR

Point Buchon SMCA and SMR Point Buchon SMCA and SMR Point Buchon SMCA and SMR

Point Cabrillo SMR Point Cabrillo SMR Point Cabrillo SMR

Point Conception SMR Point Conception SMR Point Conception SMR

Point Dume SMCA Point Dume SMCA Point Dume SMCA

Point Dume SMR Point Dume SMR Point Dume SMR

Point Lobos SMCA Point Lobos SMR Carmel Bay SMCA Carmel Pinnacles SMR Point Lobos SMCA Point Lobos SMR Carmel Bay SMCA Carmel Pinnacles SMR Point Lobos SMCA Point Lobos SMR Carmel Bay SMCA Carmel Pinnacles SMR

Point Lobos SMR Point Lobos SMR Point Lobos SMR

Point Resistance Rock Special Closure Point Resistance Rock Special Closure Point Resistance Rock Special Closure

Point Reyes SMCA Point Reyes Headlands Special Closure Point Reyes SMCA Point Reyes Headlands Special Closure Point Reyes SMCA Point Reyes Headlands Special Closure

Point Reyes SMR Point Reyes SMR Point Reyes SMR

Point Sur SMCA and SMR Point Sur SMCA and SMR Point Sur SMCA and SMR

Point Vicente SMCA No Take Point Vicente SMCA No Take Point Vicente SMCA No Take

Portuguese Ledge SMCA Portuguese Ledge SMCA Portuguese Ledge SMCA

Point St. George Reef Offshore SMCA Southwest Seal Rock Special Closure Point St. George Reef Offshore SMCA Southwest Seal Rock Special Closure Point St. George Reef Offshore SMCA Southwest Seal Rock Special Closure

Pyramid Point SMCA Pyramid Point SMCA Pyramid Point SMCA

Reading Rock SMCA and SMR Reading Rock SMCA and SMR Reading Rock SMCA and SMR

Russian Gulch SMCA Russian Gulch SMCA Russian Gulch SMCA

Russian River SMCA Russian River SMCA Russian River SMCA

Russian River SMRMA Russian River SMRMA Russian River SMRMA

Salt Point SMCA Gerstle Cove SMR Salt Point SMCA Gerstle Cove SMR Salt Point SMCA Gerstle Cove SMR

Samoa SMCA Samoa SMCA Samoa SMCA

San Diego Scripps Coastal SMCA and Matlahuayl SMR San Diego Scripps Coastal SMCA and Matlahuayl SMR San Diego Scripps Coastal SMCA and Matlahuayl SMR

San Diego Scripps Coastal SMCA and Matlahuayl SMR and South La Jolla SMR and SMCA San Diego Scripps Coastal SMCA and Matlahuayl SMR and South La Jolla SMR and SMCA San Diego Scripps Coastal SMCA and Matlahuayl SMR and South La Jolla SMR and SMCA

San Diego Scripps Coastal SMCA and Matlahuayl SMR San Diego Scripps Coastal SMCA and Matlahuayl SMR San Diego Scripps Coastal SMCA and Matlahuayl SMR

San Elijo Lagoon SMCA No Take San Elijo Lagoon SMCA No Take 

Saunders Reef SMCA Saunders Reef SMCA 

Sea Lion Cove SMCA Sea Lion Cove SMCA 

Soquel Canyon SMCA Soquel Canyon SMCA 

South Cape Mendocino SMR Sugarloaf Island Special Closure Steamboat Rock Special Closure South Cape Mendocino SMR Sugarloaf Island Special Closure Steamboat Rock Special Closure 

South Humboldt Bay SMRMA South Humboldt Bay SMRMA 

Southeast Farallon Island Southeast Farallon Island 

Stewarts Point SMCA Stewarts Point SMCA 

Stewarts Point SMR and SMCA Stewarts Point SMR and SMCA 

Sugarloaf Island Special Closure Steamboat Rock Special Closure Sugarloaf Island Special Closure Steamboat Rock Special Closure 

Stewarts Point SMR SMCA Stewarts Point SMR SMCA 

Swami's SMCA Swami's SMCA 

Ten Mile Estuary SMCA Ten Mile Estuary SMCA 

Ten Mile SMR Ten Mile Beach SMCA Ten Mile SMR Ten Mile Beach SMCA 

Tijuana River Mouth SMCA Tijuana River Mouth SMCA 

Upper Newport Bay SMCA Upper Newport Bay SMCA 

Van Damme SMCA Van Damme SMCA 

Vandenberg SMR Vandenberg SMR 

Vizcaino Rock and Rockport Rocks Special Closures Vizcaino Rock and Rockport Rocks Special Closures 

White Rock SMCA White Rock SMCA 

Regional Maps

North Coast Region:

North coast MPAs

North-Central Coast Region:

North Central coast MPAs

Central Coast Region:

Central Coast MPAs

South Coast Region:

South coast MPAs