Citizen Science for Stewardship of Coastal and Ocean Resources
Volunteers have submitted 52258 surveys to date.

MPA Watch is a citizen science monitoring program that trains volunteers to observe and collect data on human uses of coastal and marine resources both inside and outside of marine protected areas (MPAs). Volunteers use standardized protocols to collect relevant, scientifically rigorous, and broadly accessible data.

Data are meant to inform the management, enforcement, and science of California's marine protected areas, and allow us to track how the public uses coastal areas.

By involving local communities in this MPA monitoring, MPA Watch programs inspire and empower stewardship, and educate the public about California’s ocean ecosystems.

Learn more about the history of MPA Watch, Marine Protected Areas, and why MPAs are important for California.

Get involved by finding the volunteer program nearest you.


Please help us improve by completing a survey!

Volunteer Survey:

Member Survey:

Public Survey:


Download our South Coast MPA Watch Snapshot Report to read about the success of our programs in Southern California.